Claim your perfect niche

Wondering if niching your hypnosis business is the right move, and what that niche should be?

Join the top 10% of hypnotherapists who are the go-to experts in their field, with long client waiting lists.

Are you trying to be
everything to everyone and being appreciated by no one?

If you’re anything like I was when I first started as a hypnotherapist, you’re thinking that to be a successful hypnotherapist, you need to be able to work with anyone, on any issue.


I spent thousands of hours and dollars going to courses and workshops for all sorts of different modalities and techniques, so I could help clients with smoking, and weight loss, and anxiety, and confidence, and… you get the idea.


I thought by positioning myself as a “general hypnotist”, I would be able to throw my net wider and attract lots of clients.

But that’s a recipe for a marketing disaster.


The thing is, when we say we can treat everything, no one really trusts us to treat anything.

When you niche, you are heard.

Selecting a niche is the key to success in hypnotherapy. When you niche, the clients who need you the most can actually find you. You stand apart from every other generic hypnotherapist who says they can do it all.

Your perfect niche is waiting for you - let’s claim it.

Let me show you how niching:

Thank you so much for sending me a copy of your book!!!! You have saved me so much time in not stressing about doing it all at once. I have gotten a block from trying to learn so many different types of hypnosis and lost my way. Your book is amazing!!!! Like you were my private very friendly comfortable coach. Excelling me into the right direction and guidance I needed!!! It felt incredible like you knew exactly what I had been doing to overwhelm myself! I couldn’t put your book down. Absolutely loved every interesting page. Thank You.

Ann Clark