Supercharge Your Practice

Tap into a highly profitable hypnosis niche to transform your side hustle into a thriving practice.

SEPTEMBER 13, 2024


From $1 to $47

September 13, 2024




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I’ll show you how to attract clients who fit better, pay better, and refer more when you tap into the power of a profitable niche. Not only that, but I’m going to pull back the curtain on one of the most profitable, motivated and largely untapped niches in the sports industry today that anyone can take advantage of.


Prepare to learn simple, proven strategies to tap into this profitable hypnosis niche and book your practice weeks in advance with motivated, high paying clients.

Caryn Bird

Renowned Hypnotist, Author and Global Hypnosis Trainer

Gain Clarity and Focus:

Devote your time, energy, and resources more effectively by honing in on a specific niche, ensuring every effort aligns with your goals.

Boost Profitability:

Unlock the key to a more profitable practice by targeting a niche market that values your specialized skills and is willing to pay a premium.

Attract Ideal Clients:

Watch as clients who perfectly fit your expertise and services seek you out, knocking at your door for the solutions only you can provide.

Work with Your Favorite Clients:

Enjoy working with clients who resonate with your passion and
approach, leading to more fulfilling and rewarding sessions.

Effortless Success:

Experience the ease and flow in your practice, as niching allows you to streamline processes and deliver exceptional results without added stress.

Effective Marketing:

Enhance your marketing efforts by speaking directly to the needs and desires of your niche audience, making your messages more impactful and compelling.

Supercharge your practice

September 13, 2024

| 3:00 PM EDT

Pay what you can!

From $1 to upto $47


This workshop is for you if...

You’re a new hypnotherapist looking to set yourself up for success in a profitable niche from the get go

You’re a seasoned hypnotist that is struggling to make money in this business and wants to work with clients that are easy and willing to pay for your expertise.

You’re ready to break the cycle of taking on difficult clients, just to pay the bills

You’re looking for a highly profitable niche that aligns with your passion and expertise

You’re a life coach, therapist, or trainer that is ready to use the power of hypnosis and work with an untapped market 

What others are saying...

“Caryn is one of the most authentic, generous coaches I know – and I’ve known quite a few. Her Attitude of a Champion Course is outstanding. When she says she includes everything for one to build or add to an existing practice, she means just that. She is generous with her time and makes herself available to provide individual and additional support when needed. And, I love her energy – she’s just a beautiful human being – a joy to work with. I endorse and recommend Caryn without hesitation and with great enthusiasm”
Karen Ross
Clinical Hypnotherapist
“I think any hypnotherapist with an interest in developing the skill set needed to position themselves to serve this market would see remarkable progress by taking Caryn’s training.”
Thomas Mulryne CHt
Clinical Hypnotherapist
“I read your book the other day and found it insightful and valuable since I'm just starting. I've been studying hypnosis and hypnotherapy since Jan. 2017 and started seeing pro bono clients since December. Since January 2019, I've been taking online classes from Hypnosis Motivational Institute.

To answer your questions:
1. Picking a niche that will attract paying clients
2. Having a structured program to use with my ideal client. ! ”
Sherris Shank
Clinical Hypnotherapist

Why Should You Niche?

Most hypnotists think that niching means less clients, but in reality, the opposite is true.


I always ask people, who would you want to treat your heart condition? A GP or a heart specialist?


When you niche, you attract clients you’re better equipped to treat; therefore you get better results; which means happier clients, who are more likely to share their success story.


When you’re just starting out, it can be tempting to take any client, at any price. You reason that you’ll raise your prices and be more selective once you have more bookings. But what happens is you end up in a vicious cycle of difficult clients who won’t do the work, don’t get results, and don’t refer.


Have you wanted to break that cycle, but been afraid to take decisive action, for fear of losing the few clients you have? Or have you tried to be selective on a few occasions, only to fall back into old habits to pay the bills?


What you may be missing is a systematic approach to reaching your ideal clients, putting them through a process that achieves consistent results, and empowering them to refer.


If you’d like to see the approach that I use, and that I’ve taught to hundreds of hypnotherapists around the world, join me at Supercharge Your Practice where I’ll show you the most profitable niche to build a thriving  practice.

About our 90-minute workshop

At this special workshop for new and experienced hypnosis practitioners alike, you will learn how to add an additional 8-10 clients per week in a highly profitable, largely untapped niche.

Specific takeaways:

How I used that niche to skyrocket my business after years of struggling with difficult clients

My signature process for getting consistent results with clients in this specific niche that transforms them into raving, referring fans

The simple, but powerful strategy that I use to attract around 8-10 well-paying, highly motivated new clients per week.

Special bonus for live attendees

At this special workshop for new and experienced hypnosis practitioners alike, you will learn how to add an additional 8-10 clients per week in a highly profitable, largely untapped hypnosis niche.

“I so enjoyed your book Caryn it was so valuable! I picked my niche and honestly it felt like the hugest weight had lifted off my shoulders.”

– Leanne Liddle

About Caryn

After years of exploring the power of the mind and the transformative potential of hypnosis, Caryn Bird found her true calling in helping others harness their mental strength. Every day, she feels immense gratitude for the success she has witnessed with her clients.


Her passion lies in guiding fellow hypnotists towards building rewarding and prosperous practices.

Caryn’s journey led her to develop a meticulously organized, step-by-step program that has repeatedly proven successful. She owns and operates a thriving hypnosis practice, Win With Hypnosis, in Burlington, WI, where she has honed her expertise and achieved remarkable success within her chosen niche.


Author of the acclaimed *Attitude of a Champion Sports Hypnosis Mindset Guide* and creator of the *Attitude of a Champion Academy* – Online Training and Mentoring program, Caryn’s innovative approach has helped countless individuals achieve their highest potential. Her methods are not only effective but also deeply transformative, paving the way for lasting change and empowerment.


Living on a serene lake in Wisconsin, Caryn practices mindfulness and dedicates herself to manifesting her life’s work. Her mission is to help hypnotists excel in their field and realize their professional dreams.

Join Caryn at ‘Supercharge Your Practice’ to discover how she built a successful six-figure hypnosis practice. She is eager to share her insights and strategies, guiding you towards creating a lucrative and fulfilling career in hypnosis.


Your questions answered

Common questions

The workshop is on September 13th at 3pm EDT/ 12pm PDT. Check what time the workshop runs in your local timezone.

There will be a replay available for 24 hours.  If you would like lifetime access to the workshop, please choose the $47 option.

There is nothing you need to prepare, however having paper and pen would be great.  

Also make sure you have water to sustain you through the workshop and clear any commitments that might distract you as best you can.

You are more than welcome to share this signup page with others, the more that receive this information, the more we can all be successful.

Of course. The athlete is the expert in their sport.  Our job is to help them manage their mind with the same protocol for every athlete.

After you sign up, you’ll receive a welcome email with a Zoom link to attend and you’ll be able to add the workshop to your calendar. You’ll also receive some reminder emails and a text message leading up to the workshop. If you don’t receive any email correspondence from us, and there’s nothing in your spam folder, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we’ll take care of you. 

You don’t have to put all your eggs in one basket. That is, you don’t have to exclude all other clients in favor of your chosen niche. You can still apply the strategies to attract clients from this niche (or any other ) while taking other clients.

Absolutely. The principles of niching apply regardless of the niche you choose – it’s just that some niches will inherently be more profitable and a better fit for you than others.

Not necessarily. If you know anything about hypnosis or have experience with hypnosis, you will learn everything you need to know to successfully. Join us and Caryn will address this more in the workshop

Start thinking like an entrepreneur, not Just a hypnotist.

Are you looking to finally break out of the cycle of taking difficult, draining clients, just to keep the lights on?


Are you ready to experience the joy of working with well paying, highly motivated clients that see you as a key player in their success?

Time to nail your niche.

Now is the time to elevate your hypnosis practice by embracing the power of niching. By focusing on a specific niche, you’ll gain unparalleled clarity and direction, allowing you to attract ideal clients who value your expertise and are willing to invest in their transformation.

Both your profitability and sense of fulfillment are enhanced as you work with clients who resonate deeply with your passion and methods. You deliver more impactful and specialized services, resulting in better outcomes for your clients.

Their success becomes your success, creating a ripple effect of positive change and growth.

Don’t miss this opportunity to supercharge your practice-join us and discover how to unlock the full potential of your hypnosis career. Your journey to a thriving, purpose-driven practice begins here.

Supercharge Your Hypnosis Practice

September 13, 2024

| 3:00 PM EDT

Pay what you can!

From $1 to up to $47


© 2023 Win With Hypnosis