The Unimaginable Gift

of Losing a Child

My son is dead, and I speak with him every day.

The Unimaginable Gift – A Mother’s Memoir of Loss and Love Reborn written by Josh and myself, Caryn Bird. It’s a story of love and loss and love again, as I share my personal journey of losing my son at the same time as moving through a divorce, all of which turned out to be a gift that Josh gave me as he reached across the veil to hold my hand through the hardest season of my life, and helped me find love again after the breakdown of my marriage.

This is my vulnerable story of how the gift Josh left me revealed the truth about what happens when we die.

Above all it is a story about the love shared between a mother and son, the unshakeable bond that even death cannot stand between. It shows us how our children can be our greatest teachers, just as death can be. And how losing ourselves can be the chance to find ourselves again, leading to hope and healing.


Josh and I wrote this book together to give the gift of our story to our readers. We share what we have walked through in hopes that we can help others who have lost a child heal in the best way possible, and to give comfort to those who are grieving the loss of their loved ones.


It is our hearts’ desire, through writing this book, to support millions of parents who are grieving after losing someone they love. By sharing my grief journey and our continued relationship, we aim to shine a light at the end of the tunnel, and to let others know that their loved ones are still right here with them, so they can feel peace and joy again.

As readers will discover through our book, my son Josh’s life and passing was a gift that gave me a new purpose in my life, our souls’ purpose as it were, which included God’s plans for me.

Our book begins when I received the worst news a parent can ever receive: that your child is dead. As I fall to pieces over the following days, weeks and months, the reader learns about my impending divorce and the breakdown of my marriage, as we struggle to survive as a family through this most challenging time. Friends, colleagues and strangers rally around us, and I begin to receive communications from Josh through various channellers, mediums and even Josh himself. As I try to make sense of it all and find new ways to continue and enhance my relationship with Josh, my faith expands to include other beliefs and spiritualities, which introduce to me concepts like past lives, our soul’s purpose and angel interventions. A new me and a new purpose for this life emerges, as a new love begins to blossom between myself and an old high school friend, who re-enters my life after being urged by Josh to reach out to me. My grieving journey takes me on various adventures, from Sedona to Costa Rica, and finally ends in Egypt where I lay Josh’s ashes to rest in the River Nile.

Through it all, readers will experience the sorrows and the joys of losing someone we love, and gain the hope that comes from knowing the truth about what happens when we die, so they too can turn their pain into great purpose.

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Entrepreneur, speaker, trainer, and hypnotherapist, Caryn Bird is CEO of Win With Hypnosis Clinic in Burlington, Wisconsin. In 2020, she lost her son, Josh, in a motorcycle accident, just as the world began shutting down due to the pandemic. The loss of her son turned out to be a gift, however, leading Caryn to find her true mission and soul’s purpose: sharing with other parents who have lost children the hope and truth that their child is still with them, and the message that their love is eternal.


Caryn Bird is an International Speaker, Trainer, and Founder of Attitude of a Champion Academy. She coaches and certifies hypnotists around the world to become game-changing Performance Mindset Experts.


On her way to becoming an international speaker and trainer, Caryn earned a Psychology degree and founded Win With Hypnosis, through which she has worked with over 5,000 athletes and high performers to help them regain their confidence and reach their peak performance.










Caryn brought into the world the Attitude of Champion certification program as a legacy to her son Josh, an elite wrestler and now her co-author. It is now a six-figure online coaching business where she empowers therapists to become game-changing Performance Mindset Trainers. Caryn is known as the leading mindset expert for athletes and high performers throughout the Tri-State area.

Caryn has been a keynote speaker at the NGH Solid Gold Conference in 2022, and has presented at dozens of conferences, virtual meetings and workshops across the U.S. and Canada for more than eight years, in addition to her own summits, which have been attended by thousands of people.

Featured on newscasts, podcasts, and on world stages, Caryn stands for authenticity, integrity, and unconditional love and joy, encouraging others to have the abundant lives they’ve always dreamed of.

In 2020, Caryn experienced the loss of her 23-year-old son in the prime of his life, only days after she and her husband announced their divorce to their three sons. A few days later, Josh began contacting her from the spiritual world. Armed with her strong faith and belief in God, and through her enduring communications with her son from across the veil, Caryn was able to survive the loss of her son and breakdown of her marriage to share their message of hope.

Through her book The Unimaginable Gift, Caryn’s mission is to help people who have lost a child to feel joy again, to know without a doubt that their child is still right here with them. Through hers and Josh’s story, she wants to show and share her evolving views on Christianity and spirituality, and help people to see that you can still be a Christian and believe in reincarnation and that we can communicate across the veil with our loved ones in spirit, just as we can communicate with God and Jesus.